Road Safety Screening
An idea turned into a concept! Traffic safety work is an interdisciplinary task and needs lots of expert knowledge. Reality shows, that often not specially qualified persons are involved in the complex procedures. To keep and improve the high level of accident investigation and mitigation work, the ministry for traffic of Baden-Württemberg proposed to make access to the relevant information easier for all involved parties. The main aim was to integrate all available information about the accidents, their location and boundary conditions on one shared platform.
The database developed by DTV-Verkehrsconsult contains data from various sources. To enable consistent illustration all information was converted so that they can be visualised on a map by using coordinates. After a successful implementation it quickly became clear that the platform could also be used for analysis of the road network and accident patterns.
The comprehensive database with information about accidents, road geometry and conditions, traffic volume and its composition, speed levels as well as road pictures forms the basis for a wide -ranging analysis and evaluation of the whole road network. Different responsibilities within accident investigation work means that the available information needs to be managed separately according to region and content. This requirement led to an internet based map on a platform which can be independently administrated by the ministry for traffic via a cascading authorisation system.
All information is related to short road segments (usually with a length of 100m) can be summarised in thematically structured fact sheets. These documents can be printed, saved and can be easily exchanged. They represent the comprehensive basis for the analysis of the accident causes and remedial actions and contain about 600 individual pieces of information. If you are interested what the fact sheets look like in detail we are happy to send you an example!
To make the accident investigation work more efficient, additional ratings of the road network as well as special analysis are conducted. These can focus on single accident, accident type or vehicle types or length of road.
Furthermore an online-priority tool has been developed, which allows an individual weighting for the accidents boundary conditions and then displays the critical road segments within the boundary within only a few minutes. This tool supports the aim of efficient resource management.
Several new developments for integral tools for accident investigation work have already been designed and harmonised within the database.
To date more than 600 access authorisations to the database have been given in Baden-Württemberg. The use of traffic safety screening has now been mandatory ordered by an administrative regulation of the German Ministry for Traffic. We are looking forward to show you the opportunities how the traffic safety screening can be adapted to your own requirements.