Activities / skills
DTV-Verkehrsconsult GmbH is active in a wide range of topics. As an engineering office we provide you with reliable traffic data that can be interpreted in detail and which in many areas form the basis for further tasks and planning. In addition, we are active in many independent areas, which are explained in more detail below.
In addition to engineering services, we have also been active in the field of software development for several years. We develop and license standard programs for the administration, processing and extrapolation of various counting data. We offer customized online platforms for the collection, processing, (map) presentation and analysis of data as SaaS (“Software as a Service”). Furthermore we realize individual software, also as open source.
You can also draw on our expertise in the fields of transport and software when preparing and accompanying tenders – from the definition of requirements to the evaluation of offers and acceptance.
Processing data /evaluation of automatic classifiers
DTV-Verkehrsconsult offers you substantial and freely definable analyses of the data of automatic classifiers. Therefore, we have a large supply of technical equipment at our disposal (e.g. modems). In addition we run several software tools to convert the different data standards and to enable an individual and suitable evaluation in a format to suit our customers
Traffic Monitoring
Until 2010 the nationwide counting campaigns for the road traffic census (SVZ) were predominantly carried out by manual counting with tally sheets and manual clickers. In general manual counts are a reliable method for collecting traffic data – but especially in large surveys the supervision of the numerous counting personnel can get problematic.
Traffic Surveys
Execution, Analysis and Extrapolation
Only on a small part of the road network are the traffic volumes determined by means of permanent counting stations. More frequently, there are no current traffic volumes for a road so that short-term counts (one-time or cyclically recurring) are initiated on demand.
Vehicle Restraint Systems
Vehicles accidentally leaving the road should be protected against hitting obstacles next to the road resulting in as little damage as possible. It is just as important to prevent vehicles on two-lane roads from entering the opposing traffic. Vehicle restraint systems made of steel or concrete are used for this purpose. These require a type approval issued by the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt).
Road Safety Screening
Improving road safety is an increasingly difficult goal, as the standards in Germany are already very high. Therefore, new approaches are needed to effectively identify the less obvious problem areas in the road network and to provide the basis for the accident commissions to take appropriate measures to prevent accidents. The systematic combination of all available data on road parameters, traffic properties and accident data is an important step in this direction, as the work of the accident commissions is supported.
Traffic planning
New roads or altered traffic routing result in new distributions of road traffic. In order to determine the magnitude of the effects of such measures already in the planning state, traffic investigations are carried out. DTV-Verkehrsconsult carried out such investigations for a wide range of questions, both in local and small-scale areas, as well as in large-scale areas for federal road networks. An example is here a new road planning in the area of Bielefeld which is in connection with the new construction of the A 33.
Since starting our consultancy, we have been able to integrate our special knowledge and implement new approaches in more than 30 research and development projects. In particular, our knowledge in the area of surveys and data analysis is of great importance and make DTV-Verkehrsconsult a welcome partner in many project groups.
Web-based Traffic Data Management
For many areas of transport, an exact knowledge of the traffic situation is essential. Whether for traffic control measures, road maintenance, environmental assessment or road safety work – reliable traffic information is required everywhere.
Video surveys
For determining traffic flows, e.g. of transit traffic, it is necessary to have unique identification features of the vehicles. This is possible via the license plate. Surveys where automatic number plate recognition cameras are used can be automatically evaluated using specially designed software. Based on this it is possible to evaluate high traffic flows.
Training courses
To pass on knowledge is the goal of training. We carry out training in various topics. They are also a sign of the fact that DTV-Verkehrsconsult develops innovative ideas for practical implementation and enables customers to use them.